Pensions and Passes – Tube Lines

My Ref: MRP 2/10                                 5th June 2015
                                          Circular Num: NP/105    /15
To: The All Branches & Representatives
       All Underground and Former LT Employers

Dear Colleagues,
Pensions and Passes – Tube Lines

I refer to my previous Circular NP/002/14, 9th January 2014, as you will recall the RMT has been having a long running dispute with LUL in respect of former employees of Tube Lines being refused the same pension and travel rights as other LUL workers.

This dispute began in late 2011 when Tube Lines became a wholly owned subsidiary of TfL. While management argued at the time that the future ownership of Tube Lines was unknown, the RMT demanded that now Tube Lines came under the umbrella of TfL employees should be allowed to join the TfL Pension Fund and receive the same travel facilities as other LUL workers.

Management refused these demands and as a result former Tube Lines RMT members took industrial action in support of their claim.

As a result of this action management committed to looking at ways in which pension and travel parity could be achieved. However, management stated such equality would need to be funded by efficiencies and possible job cuts.

RMT representatives made it clear to management that they would not agree to any compulsory job cuts, however, so that meaningful discussions could take place to resolve this issue it was agreed to meet with management.

After many months of meetings with management the following progress has been made:

•    Travel Facilities – From 18th May 2015 former Tube Lines staff were able to claim a 75% refund for season tickets. This will be for all Tube Lines staff , including those TUPE transferred to LUL & TfL since 1st January 2013

These employees will also be able claim back this refund on existing annual season tickets, even if they are 11 months old

•    *Pensions – Former Tube Lines staff (non-operational) to be allowed membership of the TfL Pension Fund from August 2015. Operation staff to be allowed access of the TfL Pension Fund from 2nd September 2015

*While excellent progress has been made on pensions, our representatives have raised concerns in relation to the contents of the final agreement and some of the efficiencies which have been proposed by management. It has therefore been agreed by management to re-word the agreement and reconvene further meetings.

In consideration of a report from the RMT Regional Organiser of 18th May 2015, your General Grades Committee adopted the following report on 28th May 2015:

“We instruct the General Secretary to congratulate our Lead Officer and negotiators for achieving a 75% refund on season tickets for our members on Tube Lines.”

I will keep you informed of developments.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash
General Secretary