Dear Colleagues,
I refer to my previous Circular NP/176/13, 12th July 2013, in response to a report from the Relief Regional Organiser informing the General Grades Committee of a Company Council Meeting to be held on 24th July 2013, please find below for your information and attention the General Grades Committee decision of 18th July 2013:
“We note the report from our lead officer. We instruct the General Secretary to place in front of us a report on the Company Council Meeting as soon as practical after it has taken place, together with the reports of the views of our LU Engineering and LU Fleet Branches as instructed in our previous decision of 11th July 2013.
London Transport Regional Council, Branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.”
I will keep you informed for developments.
Yours sincerely,
R. Crow
General Secretary