Pensions and Passes - Tube Lines [oct-13]

My Ref: MRP 2/10                                 4th October 2013
                                          Circular Num: NP/264 /13
To: The All Branches & Representatives
       All Underground and Former LT Employers

Dear Colleagues,


I refer to my previous Circular NP/233/13, 6th September 2013, the RMT wrote to LUL management on 6th September 2013 agreeing to participate in the Tube Lines Pension & Travel Passes Working Party. However, the RMT requested that the trade union representation on the Joint Working Party should be proportional to the membership of the trade unions and that the delegation should include all our Company Council members. It was added that all members of the Joint Working Party should be either Tube Lines employees or full-time officers.

In response a letter dated 25th September 2013 from LUL management has been received and in consideration the General Grades Committee made the following decision on 3rd October 2013:

“We note the correspondence from LUL. While we are disappointed that the company has not agreed to our request for better representation at the working party, we note that it has agreed to release all our company council reps for a feedback meeting the day after the first working party meeting, and understand that this will happen after every working party meeting. We therefore instruct our lead officer and representatives to proceed with participating in the working party, and to submit a report after each meeting and in the event of any developments. These reports are to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.”

I will keep you informed for developments.

Yours sincerely,
R. Crow
General Secretary