My Ref: MRP 2/10 9th January 2014
Circular Num: NP/002 /14
To: The All Branches & Representatives
All Underground and Former LT Employers
Dear Colleagues,
I refer to my previous Circular NP/364/13, 19th December 2013, following correspondence from the RMT Regional Officer the following decision was made by the General Grade Committee on 9th January 2014:
“We note the latest report from the Lead Officer that further meetings with the company are to take place on 13th and 27th January.
We endorse the officer’s view that a members meeting must be called after then to discuss Tube Lines proposals and to seek the views of the members.
London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.”
I will keep you informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
R. Crow
General Secretary