Railways Pension Scheme 2013 Trade Union Valuation Seminar 31st October 2013

My Ref: MRP 1/8/1

2nd October 2013

Circular Num: NP/259 /13

To: The Secretary All Branches & Regional Councils

Dear Colleagues,

Railways Pension Scheme 2013 Trade Union Valuation  
Seminar 31st October 2013

In light of the forthcoming Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) 2013 Triennial Actuarial Valuation the administrators of the RPS RPMI are holding a trade union half day seminar on 31st October 2013.

The presentation will explain how agreement will be reached with employers and Pensions Committees on the basis for the valuation calculations. Participants will be able to ask the Scheme Actuary and representatives of the Trustee Company questions.

The seminar will take place at RPMI, Camomile Court, London EC3A 7LL.

13:30 – Registration and coffee
14:00 – Seminar opens
16:30 – Close

Please note that RPS Pension Committee representatives are able to attend the seminar being held on 4th November.

If you would like to attend the trade union seminar could you please contact the RMT Pensions Officer at p.norris@rmt.org.uk or 020 7529 8806.

Full seminar details and confirmation of your attendance will be issued nearer the time by RPMI. Can you please confirm your attendance as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Yours sincerely,
R. Crow
General Secretary