5th May 2010
Circular No. 094/10
Dear Colleague,
Re-election of AGS Mick Cash as RMTs nominee on the Railway Pension Scheme Trustee Board
Assistant General Secretary, Mick Cash, currently sits on the Railways Pension Scheme Trustee Board as an Employees Nominee nominated by RMT. Bro. Cash’s six-year period of office ends later this year and he is seeking re-nomination for a further period.
Three Trustee positions become vacant later this year by rotation and in accordance with its constitution RPS has written to all Trade Unions and Pension Committees seeking nominations. The seats in question are currently held as follows:
RMT...M. Cash
ASLEF...D. Tyson
BT Police Fed...G. Towse
I am writing to advise members that Mick Cash intends seeking re-election and would therefore urge that no RMT member should seek nomination for his position on the trustee board. In addition, RMT has an understanding with other organisations involved in the RPS that we would not contest seats held by them. In the circumstances, therefore, RMT members are also urged not to seek election for the positions held by ASLEF and BT Police Federation.
Nominations are only admissible from recognised Trade Unions and Pension Committees. I should be grateful therefore if you would bring this circular to the attention of any RMT member who sits on an RPS pension Committees, so that they may be aware of our policy on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Bob Crow
General Secretary