My Ref: MRP 32/1 7th July 2016
Circular Num: NP/182/16
To: The Secretary All Branches & Regional Councils
Dear Colleagues,
The following resolution was carried at the National Retired Members Advisory Conference held on 21st April 2016.
“Members of this branch regularly report at meetings that retired members of the RMT have not yet received Retirement Benefits, nor the benefits which follow, such as honorary membership.
This is usually because they were not aware of the existence of these benefits.
It will perhaps be argued that details of Members Benefits are available on the RMT website. This assumes a) that all members have access to the internet b) that after retirement members will continue to use the website. Neither of these assumptions is reliable enough to ensure that members receive their entitlement.
We propose, therefore, that Branch Secretaries, as a mark of respect to retired members’ service to the RMT, be required to write formally to each member upon retirement thanking them for their support and enclosing a copy of the F3 form.
To do this Branch Secretaries must be in regular receipt of joiners and leavers lists and liaise regularly with local representatives to establish which leavers are retiring.
Upon receipt of F3 forms and granting of Honorary Membership, Head Office should send out Retirement Packs along with Retirement Benefit.”
In consideration the National Executive Committee adopted the following report:
“That we note the resolution from our Retired Members Advisory Conference. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write to all branches quoting the resolution and seek assistance from branch secretaries to ensure retired members receive the Form F3.”
In accordance with the resolution I would ask:
1. That Branch Secretaries liaise with local representatives to ensure that where known those members retiring are aware of RMT retirement benefits. These members should then be contacted by the relevant Branch Secretary and provided with Form F3.
2. Branch Secretaries should write to those members who appear on the leavers list as “Retired” and provided with Form F3.
3. That Head Office ensures that on receiving Form F3, and granting Honorary Membership, relevant members receive a retirement pack.
To assist you I have attached a copy of Form F3.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary