My Ref: MRP 23/1                                                                                


10th May 2023


Circular Num: NP/080/23


To: The Secretary All Shipping Branches & Regional Councils


Dear Colleagues,




Please be advised that the following resolution was received on 5th May 2023 from our Aberdeen Shipping Branch:


“Aberdeen Shipping Branch notes the correspondence from Serco Northlink Ferries regarding a formal pay offer. We further note that contained within the offer, reference is made concerning the 60 Ratings who could benefit from between 2% & 6% uplift in earnings by joining or changing pension schemes that Serco Northlink Ferries currently make Employers contributions towards.


In line with the ongoing Maritime Pensions Campaign and the efforts of the RMT to encourage members to contribute towards a workplace pension schemes, and the efforts made specially at Serco Northlink Ferries over the past few years, this Branch requests that the General Secretary corresponds with Serco Northlink Ferries to highlight to those individuals currently making no contributions to future savings by way of an illustration on monthly pay slips, potential earnings/savings they are missing.”


In consideration your NEC on 9th May 2023 made the following decision:


“We note and adopt the resolution on file, and the sentiments therein, and instruct the General Secretary to write to the company to discuss the possibility, in line with the ongoing Maritime Pensions Campaign, of providing information on Members’ payslips that illustrate, to members not in a current pension arrangement, the impact that member and employer contributions will have on the their future pension savings.


Affected members, Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.”


I will keep you updated on developments.


Yours sincerely



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Michael Lynch

General Secretary