TfL Pension Fund – Non Pensionable Pay Awards

My Ref: MRP 2/1                                 27th November 2015
                                          Circular Num: NP/236/15
To: The All Branches & Representatives
       All Underground and Former LT Employers

Dear Colleague,

TfL Pension Fund – Non Pensionable Pay Awards

The following resolution has been received from the TfL No.1 Branch:

 “TfL No. 1 Branch are concerned that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.

We request that the General Secretary carries out a proper investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one off lump sum payments.

We also request that the General Secretary seeks legal opinion on this matter on the grounds that pay for performance can be legally challenged eg indirect age discrimination”

In consideration the General Grades Committee on 24th November 2015 adopted the following report from the Southern Sub Committee:

 “We note the resolution on file from TfL No.1 Branch and its concerns that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.

We instruct the General Secretary to carry out a proposer investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one of lump sum payments.

We also instruct the General Secretary to seek legal opinion on this matter on the grounds that pay for performance can be legally challenged eg. Indirect age discrimination etc.

Relevant Branch and LTRC to be informed.”

I will keep you informed of developments.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash
General Secretary