Circular Num: NP/242/15
To: The All Branches & Representatives
All Underground and Former LT Employers
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below a resolution submitted by the LU Fleet Branch:
“This branch notes that it has now been 10 months since any meaningful discussions regarding the issue of TFL pensions for Tube Lines staff and ex Tube Lines staff who have TUPE transferred to TFL/LUL. Discussions were put on hold so that talks regarding Night Tube could take place.
This has now gone on far too long. It could be well into 2016 and beyond before Night tube is or is not agreed. Our members have now lost another year of potentially being in the TFL pension scheme. And had yet another year in the much inferior Tube Lines Pension scheme. This is causing increased anger amongst the members.
We call on the GGC to pressure LUL / Tube Lines into coming back round the table for talks so that our members get the same benefit as the rest of LUL/TFL which they rightly deserve.
Our Tube Lines and ex Tube Lines staff should not be disadvantaged for the failings of the PPP contract debacle and the savage cuts to come from Central government.
We also seek clarification on whether the overwhelming mandate over this issue is still valid should any action be required”.
This resolution was considered by the GGC on 1st December 2015 and where the following decision was made:
“We note the resolution from LU Fleet Branch and we instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from the Lead Officer and to place the matter back before the GGC within 7 days
Relevant Branch and London Regional Council to be informed”
I will keep you informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary