12:00pm - 11th January 2020 – No War on Iran - Demonstration

Circular No. NP/004/20

To the Secretary all Branches and Regional Councils.

09 January 2020

Dear Colleagues,

12:00pm - 11th January 2020 – NO WAR ON IRAN - DEMONSTRATION

On the 11th January 2020 the RMT Union will be supporting the Stop The War Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) at their demonstration in London.

The assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani is an act of war by Donald Trump. The act was carried out in Baghdad, violating all agreements with the Iraqi government.

We will be demonstrating alongside our comrades in the Stop The War Coalition and CND as we must do all we can to campaign for peace and de-escalation in the Middle East and send a clear message to the Government “No War on Iran!”.

Join this Saturday's demonstration. Assemble at 12:00pm Outside the BBC, Portland Place. March to Trafalgar Square for rally.

We are calling on as many members and branches as possible to turn out for this demonstration.

Please do all you can to attend

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary