30 June National March to Celebrate 70 years of the NHS

Circular No. National Policy NP/107/18/BO

To the Secretary’s all Branches and Regional Council’s
Wednesday 13 June 2018

Dear Colleagues,

30 June National March to Celebrate 70 years of the NHS

Health Campaigns Together (a national network of over thirty NHS campaigning organisations and unions working together to co-ordinate action to defend the NHS) have called a national demonstration in London on 30th June to celebrate its 70th birthday. RMT is fully supporting this event starting at 12.00 noon from Portland Place, London, W1A. 
Further information is available https://www.healthcampaignstogether.com/


I urge everyone to do all you can to publicise and build for this important demonstration and celebration. Bring colleagues, friends and family. The NHS is the single greatest achievement of working class people in Britain. We cannot allow it to be undermined and ultimately destroyed by privatisation. We echo Nye Bevan’s words, sending a clear statement to this government; “The NHS will last as long as there are folk with the faith to fight for it.”

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary