Circular No: NP/060/20
To: all RMT Bus Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
19th March 2020
Dear Colleagues
As bus routes are cut in response to Coronavirus, the RMT calls for emergency powers to ensure that vital bus services are maintained
As you will undoubtedly be aware, a number of bus companies have announced that they are planning to run reduced services during the Coronavirus crisis, in response to declining passenger numbers.
In light of this the RMT is calling on the Government to bring in emergency powers to allow local authorities to take control of their bus services and provide sufficient funding to ensure that the jobs, skills and conditions of bus workers are protected during the crisis.
Bus workers are continuing to play a vital role in keeping those who need to travel, for instance, key workers or the elderly, connected with their workplaces and other services, and your Union has called for emergency legislation and full funding so that local authorities can regulate their bus services and take them into public ownership.
The RMT is also calling for the Government to ensure that all bus workers have their jobs and income guaranteed, and for full sick pay from day one for all bus workers who are unwell or self-isolating.
It is absolutely vital that the Government maintains the integrity of the bus network during this crisis, otherwise communities risk becoming isolated and the RMT will be raising these issues with the Government and bus companies as a matter of urgency.
Please share this information with bus worker members in your branch or region, and I will keep you informed of all developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary