Circular No: NP/263/18
Our ref: S1/2 S8/1
10th December 2018
Dear Colleagues
SOS 2020 demo against Condor Ferries, Portsmouth, 22nd December
Further to circular no. NP/0239/18 of 7th November 2018, following the recent meeting in Maritime Region 1, I am writing to confirm the details and to urge all members and activists to attend the RMT demonstration against Condor Ferries in Portsmouth on:
Saturday 22nd December 2018, at 7am – 9am, Portsmouth International Port, George Byng Way, Portsmouth PO2 8SP
You are strongly encouraged to attend the latest demonstration against Condor Ferries, a company that pays Ratings below the National Minimum Wage and does not recognise trade unions. Their current owners, Macquarie Investment bank of Australia recorded a 24% increase in 2017-18 and paid out a £57m dividend from its European arm in 2017.
Our collective action will target the morning sailings, including Condor’s freight ships, when we will remind the public and hauliers of the chronic seafarer exploitation on Condor Ferries. A good turnout from RMT members is essential to reinvigorate this vital element of your SOS 2020 campaign.
SOS 2020 campaign paraphernalia is available at the Wessex and other Regional Offices and travel costs to attend the Condor Ferries demonstrations are a legitimate form of Branch expenditure.
I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of members in your Branch and you will be kept updated with all further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary