Cut Carbon Emissions, Not Public Transport Jobs - Demo Thursday 4th November 2021

Head Office Circular: NP/396/21
20 October 2021

To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague


The UN climate summit COP26 is taking place in Glasgow from 31 October – 12 November. Climate change is increasing the risk of extreme ecological events such as flooding and heatwaves, both in the UK and globally. Climate change is not just an environmental problem, but it also a problem of social and economic justice and should be a key issue for workers and trade unions.

Public transport has a key role to play in fighting climate change, yet the Government and transport operators are intent on attacking workers’ jobs, pay, conditions and pensions whilst protecting the profit of big business. RMT is fighting these damaging cuts as part of its ‘Cut carbon emissions, not public transport jobs’ campaigning.

On Thursday 4th November, whilst COP26 is taking place in Glasgow, the Department of Transport is hosting an ‘engagement day’ for the private sector to try and persuade them to bid for the future Passenger Service Contracts, announced as part of the Williams-Shapps review, and which will replace franchises. The PSCs will guarantee profits for the private operators.

Rather than disgracefully furthering private profiteering at the expense of rail worker jobs, pay and conditions, the Government should instead be commencing a new deal for public transport that protects all jobs, pay, conditions and services, and properly funds our rail, bus, metro and shipping networks to power a green transport revolution that makes services more affordable, available, accessible and attractive to use.

At the same time as the DfT event is taking place, RMT is holding a demonstration outside the DfT office in London to demand that the Government ‘Cut carbon emissions, not public transport jobs’.

The demo is taking place on Thursday 4th November 2021, commencing at 10am at:

Department for Transport
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Rd

Please share details of this event with your members and reps and do all you can to support this demo.

Please direct any queries about the demo to Sophie Ward (

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary