Day of Action: 15 June - Referendum on Membership of the European Union

Head Office Circular No. NP/145/16/MC

To all Branches & Regional Councils

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Dear Colleagues,

Day of Action: 15 June - Referendum on Membership of the European Union

On Wednesday 15th June, RMT will be holding a day of action to discuss with the public the need to vote Leave in the upcoming referendum on membership of the European Union.

I am writing to request that all branches, regional councils and regional offices endeavour to organise a leafletting event at a train station or other transport hub in your locality. Materials are being produced and will be available from regional offices.

Additionally, Trade Unionists Against the EU, to which RMT is affiliated has also produced material which is currently available from regional offices.

If you have any queries regarding the union’s campaign please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary