Dear Colleagues
E-petition on impact of migrant labour in the diving and offshore industry
I write to request that RMT members sign the above e-petition which highlights the damaging affect on UK divers and offshore workers from cost-cutting recruitment practices in the offshore sector.
Shipping and offshore employers continue to aggressively exploit loopholes in UK employment, immigration and tax laws, undercutting UK workers to the financial benefit of directors and private shareholders. Your union continues to fight these attacks on the offshore workforce by all means at our disposal. The e-petition can be viewed here:
100,000 signatures by 10th July 2014 should give us a 3 hour parliamentary debate on this issue, for which MPs in the RMT Parliamentary Group would be fully briefed. 10,000 signatures requires the responsible Government Department (in this case Business, Innovation & Skills) to provide a written response to the issues raised in the e-petition.
I would be grateful if you could bring the e-petition to the attention of all members in your branch, asking that they consider signing it online and I will keep you advised of further developments in relation to the issues the e-petition raises.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary