Head Office Circular No. NP/204/16/MC
To the Secretary, all Branches and Regional Councils
Thursday 18 August 2016
Dear Colleagues
ETF Petition: Fair Transport Europe
In July 2015, the European Transport Workers’ Federation launched the Fair Transport Europe initiative.
Fair Transport Europe is an initiative to improve working conditions for transport workers across Europe.
We are constantly being pushed to work harder, faster and for less money, and with no or very limited contractual safety nets.
A central tool for the Fair Transport Europe initiative is the EU petition instrument called the “European Citizens' Initiative” (ECI).
Please sign the petition to send a clear message that we want fair transport through decent working conditions and good jobs. The deadline for signatures is next month so please bring this to the attention of members.
The petition can be found here: https://www.fairtransporteurope.eu/
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary