Dear Colleagues,
ETF Survey of seafarer ratings
I am writing to ask that Branches circulate to members who are seafarer ratings the career mapping survey compiled by the European Transport Workers’ Federation, to which the union is affiliated.
The survey asks seafarer ratings for information on the barriers that might exist to developing a career in the maritime industry, both at sea and onshore. This is a good opportunity to provide information in support of the union’s campaign for more training and jobs for UK ratings. Survey responses can be submitted one of three ways:
- Online at this web address:
- Filling out the attached pdf copy of the questionnaire and emailing it to these responses will then be forwarded to the ETF.
- Filling out the attached hard copy of the survey and returning it directly, or via your Branch Secretary, to Dan Crimes at Unity House for posting on to the ETF office in Brussels.
I will keep you informed of the results of the survey.
Yours Sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary