Head Office Circular No. NP/009/19/MC
To all Branches and Regional Councils
10th January 2019
Dear Colleagues
Fair Transport Europe: Brussels Demonstration 27 March 2019
RMT is joining forces with transport unions from across Europe on 27 March 2019 in Brussels for the culmination of the Fair Transport Europe campaign.
Fair Transport Europe is a campaign against social dumping in the European transport sector. We are fighting for quality jobs for transport workers and a safe, reliable and affordable service for customers. Transport trade unions from across Europe are standing together to demand an end to exploitation and unfair competition.
Members who wish to attend the demonstration should secure agreement from their Branch or Regional Council. RMT has booked a number of Eurostar tickets centrally, which are available to members subject to their branch/regional council’s commitment to reimburse the Union at a cost of £67 per member. This is a legitimate use of branch/regional council funds. Members who hold FIP or Privilege cards are encouraged to book their own tickets and seek reimbursement from their branch or regional council if this will be more cost effective than using the centrally booked tickets.
Tickets have been booked to travel on the 08.55 service from London St. Pancras to Brussels. Return tickets have been booked for the service leaving Brussels at 18.56.
For further information or to reserve your place, please contact the National Policy Dept on m.carty@rmt.org.uk or 020 7529 8307.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary