Circular No. NP/232/13
6th September 2013
H.O. Ref: R14/5
Dear Colleagues,
Festival to mark 30th Anniversary of the Battle of Orgreave
(1984/85 Miners’ Strike commemorative event): Saturday 14th June 2014
On Saturday 14th June 2014 the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign is holding an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Orgreave (18 June 1984). Between 11am and 6pm there will be a festival consisting of live music, speakers, stalls and refreshments (though people attending are welcome to bring picnics).
This commemorative event is being organised in conjunction with the Justice for Mineworkers Campaign. And it is intended that funds raised ahead of, and on the day of the festival, will be used to press for an inquiry into precisely what happened at Orgreave and in its aftermath.
At Orgreave many miners were subjected to unprovoked physical violence – including being battered by truncheons and charged by horses. Following Orgreave, the police conducted a deliberate and co-ordinated attempt to frame arrested miners for one of the most serious criminal offences on the statute books – the offence of Riot.
No police officer has ever been prosecuted or even disciplined for their role in what occurred. But following recent revelations, the OTJC is renewing calls for a thorough examination of who ordered, facilitated and participated in the brutal policing and attempted manipulation of the judicial process.
Activists are encouraged to attend the event, and this a legitimate item of expenditure from branch funds. Cheques, payable to Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign (Festival) should be sent to OTJC Festival, c/o 5 Darley Cliff Cottages, Worsbrough, Barnsley, S70 4AJ. Further information is available at
Yours sincerely,
Bob Crow
General Secretary