Final reminder and updated advice and details - RMT ‘Safe Travel is Clean Travel – Take cleaning in-house’ protest, 12pm 20 July

Head Office Circular No. NP/252/21
To all Branches and Regional Councils

15th July 2021

Dear Colleagues

Final reminder and updated advice and details: RMT ‘Safe Travel is Clean Travel – Take cleaning in-house’ protest, 12pm 20 July

Following my previous circular please note the following updated advice and details.
The protest in support of cleaners will assemble at 12pm in the space across the road from Old Palace Yard, which lies next to the Houses of Parliament. You can find the space on this map.

The easiest way to reach Old Palace Yard is from Westminster Tube Station, from which it is a short walk (5 mins).

This will be a static protest. Banners and placards will be provided although please bring union banners.

Although this protest takes place outside and after we expect restrictions to be lifted, we will be observing social distancing at the protest and you are also asked to wear a masks at the protest. You are also advised to carry hand sanitiser with.

You should have regard to the current guidance on safe travel on public transport from Transport for London, Train operating companies and government guidance generally, and also union policy that passengers should wear masks when on public transport.

The union wishes to encourage maximum participation in the protest. If you are vulnerable for any reason, and you do not wish to attend the union will be promoting additional activity to support the campaign. On the day itself, we plan to launch a new campaign tool enabling you to contact your MP asking them to support the campaign.

If you are planning to attend or need more details on transport options, please contact

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary