Head Office Circular: NP/380/21
15 October 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
The UN climate summit COP26 is taking place in Glasgow in November. Climate change is increasing the risk of extreme ecological events such as flooding and heatwaves, both in the UK and globally. Climate change is not just an environmental problem, but it also a problem of social and economic justice and should be a key issue for workers and trade unions.
Public transport has a key role to play in fighting climate change, yet the Government and transport operators are intent on attacking workers’ jobs, pay, conditions and pensions whilst protecting the profit of big business. RMT is fighting these damaging cuts as part of its ‘Cut carbon emissions, not public transport jobs’ campaigning.
A global day of action is taking place on Saturday 6th November organised by the COP26 Coalition. As part of this a number of demonstrations are taking place in cities across the UK. These demos will have Trade Union blocs and are being publicised by TUCs throughout the UK and the STUC.
RMT is using these events to promote its campaign to ‘Cut carbon emissions, not public transport jobs’, oppose the Government and companies’ attacks on jobs, conditions, pensions and services and to demand a Just Transition which protects jobs and conditions for members employed in the transport, offshore energy and maritime sectors.
Demos are taking place in cities including London, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Liverpool. A map of the demos including links to RSVP and details of times and locations can be found here - https://www.wemaketomorrow.org/action and copies of flyers and posters for the various events are here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/118y52ojrjHf2cqg1kjKy53M4GAylI30U
You can find out details of the Glasgow demo on the STUC website here -https://stuc.org.uk/campaigns-and-events/campaigns/cop-26/global-day-of-action
Anyone attending the demos are encouraged to take RMT banners, flags and placards. If you require RMT materials for demos, please contact Head Office in the first instance.
An online rally is being convened by the Trade Union Caucus of the COP26 Coalition to mobilise ahead of the demos on the 6th November. The rally will be an opportunity to hear from trade unionists about current industrial disputes and why climate crisis is a trade union issue. RMT Regional Organiser Mick Hogg will be speaking at the rally about the ongoing ScotRail disputes. The meeting is taking place online at 6.30pm on Tuesday 19th October and details of the event are available here - https://www.facebook.com/events/398754048383683/
Please share details of these events with your members and reps.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary