Circular No: NP/046/18
Our ref: S6/11
28th February 2018
Dear Colleagues
ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) – MCA Tri-partite Working Group
I write to remind you that the RMT has a seat on the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Working Group on UK implementation of the MLC.
Although the MLC came into effect in the UK in August 2014, the Working Party still meets on a quarterly basis to discuss how the MLC is operating and any amendments from the ‘social partners’ (RMT, Nautilus and the Chamber of Shipping) which the UK Government might propose at future meetings of the International Labour Organisation.
In line with the NEC instruction, I attach the official minutes from the last meeting of the MLC MCA Working Group, which took place on 19th October 2017.
The next meeting is scheduled for the 22nd March 2018. RMT has asked that the MCA add two items to the agenda for that meeting.
Firstly, an item to discuss seafarer overtime rates, in reference to the MLC’s guideline at B2.2.2.1(c) of a minimum of 1.25 times the basic rate of pay for all overtime.
Secondly, an item to discuss ending pay discrimination against seafarers, in reference to the MLC’s guideline at B2.2.2.4(a) of equal pay for work of equal value for all seafarers employed on the same ship without discrimination based upon race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.
It would be appreciated if you could bring the content of this circular to the attention of all branch members and you will be advised of further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary