International Conference for Transport Workers - April 25, 2014

Head Office Circular No. NP/075/14/MC

To the Secretary all Branches,
Council of Executive members,
Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Friday 11th April 2014

Dear Colleagues,

International Conference for transport workers – 25TH April

At a time when transport workers are the particular focus of right wing austerity policies across the European Union, RMT is hosting an international conference to discuss the fight back.

Affiliates of the World Federation of Trade Unions, from across Europe, will gather in London to share experiences and discuss how best to challenge the anti-worker agenda of the European Union.

The conference will take place on Friday 25th April from 10.00 to 16.00 in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL.

The conference will also be addressed by the General Secretary of WFTU, George Mavrikos and by John Hendy QC who will give an insight into the current attacks on workers rights by the European Union and the governments of Member States.

Please register in advance for this conference by emailing or calling 0207 529 8307.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
Acting General Secretary