ITF Action Week, Transport Workers Fighting Back – Organising Globally! 6 – 12 October 2014

Head Office Circular No. NP/198/14/MC

To the Secretary all Branches,
Council of Executive members,
Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Monday 6th October 2014

Dear Colleagues,

ITF Action Week, Transport Workers Fighting Back – Organising Globally! 6 – 12 October 2014

During the week of 6-12 October 2014, unions and their members will come together to take part in the ITF Action Week.

Under the slogan 'Transport workers fighting back! Organising globally!' unions will organise a variety of activities to:

•    highlight important issues that affect road transport and railway workers
•    emphasise the importance of belonging to a union

More information can be found at:

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary