ITF Week of Action for Decent Work and Safety in the Road Transport Industry 21st to 28th October

Head Office Circular: NP/393/21
21st October 2021
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,

ITF Week of Action for Decent Work and Safety in the Road Transport Industry, 21-28 October 2021

Starting today the International Transport Workers’ Federation is holding a week of joint action with affiliated transport unions across the world to fight for decent work and safety in the Road Transport Industry until 28 October 2021.

This week of joint action is in follow up to the Safe Rates Summit, held 30 June – 1 July 2021, during which ITF unions committed to solidarity actions in support of affiliates fighting for Safe Rates and economic employer responsibility, and actions to promote the ILO Guidelines on the Promotion of Decent Work and Road Safety in the Transport Sector (RT Guidelines).

The RT Guidelines make governments, employers and clients (economic employers) responsible for Safe Rates and other decent work issues directly related to road safety throughout their supply chains. You can download a copy of ITF brief on the RT Guidelines here: ITF RT Guidelines Brief

This week RMT will be expressing our solidarity with the Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union Cargo Truckers’ Solidarity Division (KPTU-TruckSol), who are taking industrial action to preserve their Safe Rates system during this week.

Please could all branches and members print out one of the attached solidarity signs and send pictures of members holding the sign and send them to and during this week of action. They will be further updates next week.

I would be most grateful if you could please bring the contents of this circular to the urgent attention of your members.

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary