Joint unions’ mass petition for proper funding of London’s transport

Head Office Circular: NP/395/21

20 October 2021

To: The Secretary

Dear colleague

Joint unions’ mass petition for proper funding of London’s transport

TfL’s latest funding deal with the government comes to an end on 11 December 2021 and negotiations are beginning around a new funding settlement in the capital. RMT has condemned the last deal as a disaster for London’s public workers and passengers alike and the union has pledged to fight all attacks on jobs, pay, conditions of employment and pensions, including through strike action where necessary. We are absolutely resolute that workers will not be made to pay for the policy failures of others who made TfL so dependent on fare income that the pandemic led to its financial collapse. We are preparing for action wherever it will be necessary.

While we resist any attempt by TfL to impose cuts and detriment on staff, RMT has also joined with Unite, ASLEF, TSSA and the ITF in a joint union campaign to put pressure on the government to agree a proper funding package for TfL that stops the cuts and the attacks on workers. Please circulate this petition among your members asking them to sign and, in addition, circulate to any Trades Council mailing lists or community organisations that you are in touch with.

Sign the petition here and then circulate it as widely as you can:

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary