Maritime Futures: Jobs & Training for UK Seafarers – report and Manifesto launch

Circular No: NP/014/15


Our ref: S1/1/15

26th January 2015

Dear Colleagues

Maritime Futures: Jobs & Training for UK Seafarers – report and Manifesto launch

Further to circular no. NP/012/15 of 23rd January 2015, please find attached a copy of the RMT-commissioned report by Cardiff University, Maritime Futures into future jobs and training for UK seafarers.

The report will be launched alongside the RMT Maritime Manifesto this week on:
Wednesday 28th January 2015, 4-6pm, Strangers Dining Room, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

RMT members attending the launch should go to St. Stephen’s entrance (marked X on the map below) from 3.15pm to go through security which can be busy on Wednesdays. Please assemble in Westminster Hall from where we will walk the short distance to the venue. Any members running late can request directions to Strangers Dining Room from security staff in Westminster Hall.

The event will start just after 4pm, with RMT Parliamentary Group Convenor John McDonnell MP introducing the following confirmed speakers: RMT General Secretary Mick Cash; Rt Hon. John Hayes MP (Shipping Minister); Professor Helen Sampson (report author); Gordon Marsden MP (Shadow Shipping Minister); Nautilus General Secretary Mark Dickinson and RMT National Secretary Steve Todd.
Speeches will run 4-5pm and the second hour 5-6pm will be an opportunity for RMT seafarers and officials to discuss the Cardiff University report and the Maritime Manifesto with parliamentarians and to support the report’s and RMT’s proposals for increasing jobs and training for UK seafarers. Drinks and food will be provided from 5pm.

The venue has a maximum capacity of 100 (standing) and attendance will be treated as a legitimate use of Branch funds. Shipping Branches are encouraged to send delegates to attend the launch of this report.

It would be appreciated if you could share the content of this circular with all branch members and you will be updated on any developments resulting from this important event.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary

maritime manifesto map
