Circular No: NP/206/22
Our ref: S6/11
20th September 2022
Dear Colleagues
ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) – MCA Tri-partite Working Group
Further to Circular No.111 of 6th May 2022, I write to update you on the work of the MCA-chaired Tri-partite Working Group on the MLC. Government, RMT, Nautilus and employers are represented on this Group.
Please find attached the minutes from the meeting of the TWG held on 4th July. Backdated minutes from these meetings are available on request to the National Policy Department.
In line with the NEC instruction, I am organising a meeting with the National Secretary, Assistant National Secretary and the Maritime sub-committee to identify MLC campaigns and to make better use of the Union’s seat on the TWG.
I would be grateful if you could bring the content of this circular to the attention of all Shipping Branch members. You will be kept advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Lynch
General Secretary