Merchant Navy Day 2018 – Monday 3rd September

Circular No: NP/155/18


Our ref: S7/8/18

20th August 2017

Dear Colleagues

Merchant Navy Day 2018 – Monday 3rd September

Further to circular no. NP/128/17 of 2nd August 2017, Merchant Navy Day 2018 takes place on Monday 3rd September. In support of this important day, RMT Regional Offices, Shipping Branches and Branches are asked, where possible to fly or display the Red Ensign on the day.

RMT fully support Merchant Navy Day which was established by the charity Seafarers UK and we are a trustee of this charity. Your union’s role in organising and campaigning for UK Ratings continues to be essential to the future of the Merchant Navy itself and this annual celebration is a good chance to record our respect for merchant seafarers, past and present.

As part of this year’s Merchant Navy Day, the Mayor of Sunderland Cllr Lynda Scanlan has invited RMT members to join Sunderland City Council’s Merchant Navy Day celebrations on Monday 3rd September 2018. For those wishing to attend, please arrive at the Civic Suite of the Civic Centre, Burdon Road, Sunderland SR2 7DN, no later than 9.45 am, shortly after which the Red Ensign will be raised on the outside of the council’s building. Upon conclusion of the ceremony, refreshments will be served in the Civic Suite. Please confirm your attendance, for hospitality purposes no later than Friday 24th August on tel: 0191 561 1330/1342 or email:

Local councils, Merchant Navy Associations and other organisations across the country are participating in Merchant Navy Day 2018. RMT members and activists are encouraged to attend local events in order to demonstrate the union’s commitment to securing the future for UK merchant seafarers in the domestic and international shipping industry. Attendance is a legitimate form of Branch expenditure. The Seafarers UK website lists the participants in this year’s Merchant Navy Day, here:

For those who require one, Seafarers UK recommend the following supplier of Red Ensign flags: Hampshire Flag Company of Waterlooville; Tel 02392 237130; Web Alternative suppliers can be found here:

I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of members in your branch and you will be kept updated with further developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary