Head Office Circular No. NP/293/24
To all Maritime Branches and Regional Councils
6th December 2024
Dear Colleagues
MUA and MUNZ International Day of Action against Qube
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) and the ITF have requested that RMT and European affiliates participate in the international day of action on Monday 16th December against Qube’s attacks on dockers across 21 ports in Australia.
The MUA membership are three months into an industrial dispute with Qube, a maritime employer trying to break up national collective bargaining. MUA dockers are fighting for wage justice, ending fatigue related rostering, a safer workplace and other improvements after Qube’s profits rocketed by 148% during the last national agreement (which included the pandemic) whilst the value of dockers’ pay was eroded by inflation.
Qube are one of Australia’s biggest ports and logistics companies and are threatening to take their tactics of anti-union aggression into New Zealand and in other ports across the Asia Pacific region. RMT stand shoulder to shoulder with MUA and MUNZ in their industrial and political resistance to injustice at the hands of this or any other employer.
This is a fight all too familiar to RMT members and to maritime workers across the world. Along with your NEC, RMT members are asked to issue strong messages of solidarity via social media and other platforms on 16th December to MUA and MUNZ members in struggle against Qube and their cabal of anti-trade union consultants.
MUA and MUNZ have distributed the attached campaign material and I urge RMT members to use this to participate in this international day of action in support of trade unionists on the docks in Australia and New Zealand fighting against Qube’s destructive approach to jobs, safety and industrial relations.
I would be grateful if you could bring the content of this circular to the attention of all members in your Branch and I will keep you updated with further developments in this international campaign.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary