Head Office Circular No: NP/37/24
2nd February 2024
Dear Colleague
National March for Palestine – Tomorrow – Saturday 3rd February
RMT, alongside other trade unions have been consistent in condemning the atrocious violence and for calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and for a lasting peace in both Israel and Palestine and we have always been conscious that we will have members who may have been personally impacted by the horrific situation in the region.
RMT is dismayed that violence and the bombardment and siege of Gaza continues. It is now more important than ever that we keep up the pressure with protests and campaigning happening across the UK demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
On Saturday 3rd February Palestine Solidarity Campaign have once again called a National Demonstration in London which will begin to assemble at BBC, Portland Place, London, W1A 1AA, 12 noon before marching to Whitehall for a rally.
Trade Union bloc
There will be a Trade Union Bloc on the National March for Palestine that will begin forming up from 11:30am Corner of Cavendish Square and Margaret Street W1G 0LD Please bring flags and banners.
PSC Webinar – Trade Unions Against the Arms Trade with Israel
On Wednesday 7th February 2024 at 6pm PSC will be hosting a webinar on the arms trade with Israel and how trade unions and trade unionists can help campaign to halt UK arms sales.
Speakers from Palestine Federation of Trade Unions and UK Trade Unionists
Registration required – Sign up now
Branch Affiliation
I would also encourage all RMT Branches to affiliate to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and support their campaigns and you can find out more information on how to do that here https://palestinecampaign.org/affiliate-to-psc/
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary