National Maritime Committee consultation

Circular No: NP/291/16


Our ref: S16/4

16th December 2016

Dear Colleagues

National Maritime Committee
Further to Circular no.221/16 of 16th September 2016, only one response was received from Shipping Branches to the consultation on the following resolution passed by the union’s 2016 Biennial Maritime Industrial Organising Conference Meeting (BGM) in Dover:
“This BGM recognises the difficulties in past years in bringing port committee representatives together but recognises the spirit in which it was intended when set up.

“This BGM calls upon the National Secretary to reinvigorate the Advisory Committee to make it fully functional for the benefit of our membership.

“This BGM further notes that P & O Portsmouth are no longer a constituent and that this promotes an opportunity to change the constitution.

“This BGM agrees that we should broaden out the theme of the Advisory Committee to all shipping port committees such as PNTL and rename it the ‘National Maritime Advisory Committee.’ In changing the name of the Advisory Committee the National Secretary should work with those Regional Organisers/Lead Officers responsible for port committees to promote attendance and make it a functional forum.”

You are reminded that your National Executive Committee made the following decision in August:

“This NEC notes the resolution and instructs the General Secretary to consult with all Branches who have Maritime Grade members on the viability of a ‘National Maritime Committee.’

“This NEC proposes that the primary focus of this forum will be on the following key issues in the Maritime sector;

1.    Organising
2.    Recruitment and retention
3.    Education
4.    Networking & discussing best practice across the industry.

“All responses to be placed back before this NEC no later than 14th October 2016.”

The NEC has further considered this matter and acting in line with their instruction, Shipping Branches are advised that the consultation over the viability of a National Maritime Committee has been reopened. Responses from all Shipping Branches are invited by the absolute deadline of 28th January 2017.

It would be appreciated if you could bring the content of this circular to the attention of all maritime grade members in your branch and you will be updated with further developments.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary