Head Office Circular: NP/BO/226/16
22 September 2016
The Secretary
Dear Colleagues,
National People’s Assembly Demonstration Birmingham October 2nd
At Theresa May's first Tory Party Conference as Prime Minister, The People's Assembly will be holding a national demonstration and rally to demand an alternative to ‘Austerity Britain’.
Many RMT members and their families face insecure employment, low pay, and a drive to privatise our public services. There’s a growing housing crisis, our NHS is going through the biggest funding squeeze since its foundation, and our Education system is over-stretched. Local services have been shut down as huge budget cuts are forced on councils.
Big business, corporations and the richest are squirreling away money in offshore tax havens, awarding themselves bonuses, while immigrants are blamed for problems they had no hand in creating. And everyone else is told to tighten their belts.
Trade unions, workers and community organisations from across the country will therefore descend on Birmingham to demonstrate against more privatisation, more destructive cuts, and more attacks on our communities.
The march will assemble: 11:30am, Victoria Square, Birmingham on 2nd October.
Further details can be found http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/toryconf_demo
For people travelling to the march and rally via train you are advised to use Snow Hill Station if possible.
For those coming into New Street and other train stations, you are advised to access Victoria Square via Temple Street – Waterloo Street, as opposed to the ‘normal’ access via New Street in order that the assembly area can be filled ‘from the back’.
Now is the time for us to mobilise, to spread the word and to show the full force of anti-austerity opinion in Britain. I urge you all to let members know and attend if possible, to ensure we are a large organised RMT presence on the day and that this demonstration is the biggest protest seen in Birmingham for many years. Please do everything you can to support and organise attendance.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary