Monday 26th February 2018
Circular No. National Policy NP/40/BO
To all Branches and Regional Councils
Dear Colleagues,
National Protest Against Driver Only Operation (DOO) Wednesday 25th April, London.
On the 25th April all rail members are being urged to attend a national protest in London to coincide with the 2nd anniversary of the start of DOO strike action against DOO. Since then members in six companies have taken action in opposition to this privatised rail assault on jobs, safety, security and accessibility. Final times and details will be sent out shortly but claim the date now as the rally will be an opportunity for everyone to come together and show the strength of our determination to fight on.
This is legitimate expenditure from Branch funds and all branches are asked to notify members now and plan to mobilise accordingly.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary