Network Rail RMT Equality Reps – Nomination and Training

24 February 2016
My ref: EO/2
Circular No. NP/075/16


Dear Colleague,

Network Rail RMT Equality Reps – Nomination and Training

In agreement with Network Rail, we are putting on training specifically for RMT Network Rail Equality Reps at our Education Centre in Doncaster.  Appreciating that the usual 5 day course is increasingly difficult to get released from work and for those with caring duties, a course has been designed to last 1 whole day and 2 half days, taking only 3 days away from work and necessitating 2 nights at the Centre.

The course had been scheduled to run during two weeks in the Education Centre to give reps 4 possible starting dates which are: Monday 4 April, Wednesday 6 April, June 20 and June 22.  I appreciate that the last week is over the AGM week which does prevent any AGM delegates from being able to pick from these options.

I am attaching the lists of NR RMT Equality Reps.  I would be grateful if you would look at where there are vacancies and see whether your Branch could nominate a member to fill one of these positions.  They would then be able to benefit by attending this training.

Please do inform our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb, (on or t:020 7529 8821) as soon as possible if your Branch can nominate a Network Rail Equality Rep to one of these vacancies.  They can then apply for the training in the usual way, with the attached form to be completed and sent directly to the Education Centre indicating which day they wish to start the course.  

Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary