To: All Branches, Regional Councils and Regional Organisers
29 April 2019
Circular No. NP/079/19
Dear Colleagues,
New Labour Research Department publication: Employment Tribunals: A guide for union reps and workers
The Union affiliates to the Labour Research Department (LRD) – an organisation dedicated to publishing information of use to trade unionists and employee reps.
In addition to affiliating, we also separately pay for access to a number of LRD products – including their online services.
As part of which, all RMT members are entitled to read and download every LRD booklet and magazine. The content, which is fully searchable and includes both current and back issues, can be accessed at
The logon details are:
username: rmt
password: pot427
A new publication, Employment Tribunals: A guide for union reps and workers, is available here -
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of Branch members.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary