Oppose Tommy Robinson: 29th March, London

26th March 2019
Circular No. NP066/19

To: All Branches, Regional Councils and Regional Organisers

Dear Colleague

Oppose Tommy Robinson: 29th March, London

Stand Up to Racism has advised us below of details of a counter protest against the far right who are trying to capitalise on the Brexit crisis.

UKIP have called a so called ‘Make Brexit happen’ rally this Friday 29 March in Whitehall headlined by the fascist 'Tommy Robinson who will be speaking.

But their protest is not about Brexit, it’s about spreading their hate with Robinson ex leader of the English Defence League now working hand in glove with UKIP’s leader Gerard Batten.

Please visit here to be kept up to date for precise timings and details.

The counter demo is not about Leave or Remain it’s about opposing the far right who are seeking to divide us.

Yours sincerely



Mick Cash
General Secretary