Circular No. NP/112/19
To: All Branches, Regional Councils and Regional Organisers
18 June 2019
Outsourcing on the railways – survey launched
One of the most scandalous dimensions of the disaster that is rail privatisation is the extent of outsourcing undertaken by train operating companies and Network Rail.
RMT members who work for outsourcing companies are fighting against low pay, long hours, poor conditions and unequal treatment.
Earlier this year, the NEC instructed me to conduct a high profile campaign to highlight the costs of outsourcing and build pressure on the train operating companies, Network Rail, TfL and others to bring services back in-house.
To support this campaign we’ve launched a survey of members in significant outsourcing companies to help expose their experience and build the case for justice for outsourced workers.
You can see the survey here:
Please also bring the details of this circular to the attention of your members.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary