National Policy Circular No. NP/254/JW
14 October 2020
Dear colleague,
People’s Assembly: National Day of Action – We Won’t Pay for the Crisis, 17th October
The People’s Assembly, to which RMT is affiliated, is organising a National Day of Action this Saturday in which local PA groups throughout the UK will stage a series of coordinated campaign events to send the government a clear message over their mishandling of the coronavirus crisis.
As we step up our own fight for jobs in transport, it’s important to see that our struggles are part of a wider campaign to ensure that this government doesn’t use the coronavirus crisis to impose a new round of austerity on Britain’s people.
The day of action will see a mix of different campaigns under the theme 'we won't pay for the crisis'. The day will feature events from a mock trial of Boris Johnson to anti-austerity speeches from key figures of the labour movement. There will be campaigns outside Serco London HQ against the privatisation of our services and protests calling to give our NHS workers the pay rise they deserve.
Details of local group activities can be found here.
Laura Pidcock and Lindsey German will host a Facebook Live event and will go live to each event from 11am to 1pm. People can tune in here:
You can get involved on social media using the hashtag #WeWontPay on the day and posting shareable content via our facebook page.
I urge you to support these events wherever you can, either in person or on social media.
Please bring this circular to the attention of your members.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash,
General Secretary