Circular No: NP/127/20
To: all RMT Bus Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
28 May 2020
Dear Colleagues
Protecting Bus Workers During Covid-19 – Write to your MP
As you know, RMT bus worker members have continued in their frontline roles throughout the Covid-19 crisis, providing transport for other key workers. Yet, a recent survey of RMT bus worker members found that over 20% had not been issued with any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by their employer, only half had a protective screen fitted in their can and three quarters had no access to washing facilities at work.
The Government has allocated hundreds of millions in public funding for bus operators during the Covid-19 crisis, with a second package recently announced.
The RMT is campaigning for this public funding to be made dependent on the implementation of safety measures to protect all bus workers, such as the provision of PPE, the enforcement of social distancing and provisions for cashless travel. These issues are of vital importance as services increase.
An Early Day Motion (EDM) #452 has been tabled in parliament in support of the campaign. The EDM, and the names of the MPs to have signed it so far is here -
Please contact your MP, and ask them to support the campaign and to sign EDM #452. A model letter for doing so is on the RMT Website -
Please also share details of this with reps and members in your area, and on social media.
More information on this campaign and how the RMT is fighting for all bus workers is available on the RMT website here -
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash