REMINDER: Merchant Navy Day weekend – RMT events South Shields & Portsmouth 2nd September 2017

Circular No: NP/136/17


Our ref: S7/8/17

30th August 2017

Dear Colleagues

REMINDER: Merchant Navy Day weekend – RMT events South Shields & Portsmouth 2nd September 2017

Further to circular no. NP/128/17 of 2nd August 2017, I write to remind and encourage attendance of the two events the union is holding over Merchant Navy Day weekend to raise the profile of UK Ratings and the need for action to increase seafarer jobs and training.

On 2nd September, in conjunction with the RMT SOS 2020 campaign, your union is holding two simultaneous events to coincide with Merchant Navy Day weekend:

•    South Shields – 10.30am at South Shields High Street NE33 1BT, under the Metro bridge.

•    Portsmouth – 8am at Portsmouth International Port, George Byng Way, PO2 8SP and 11am, at Guildhall Square PO21 2AB.

You are strongly encouraged to attend these events, particularly if they are in your region, to demonstrate our shared commitment to securing the future for UK merchant seafarers in the domestic and international shipping industry. Attendance is a legitimate form of Branch expenditure.

Merchant Navy Day this year is Sunday 3rd September. In support of this important day, RMT Regional Offices, Shipping Branches and Branches are also asked, where possible to fly the Red Ensign over the weekend commencing Friday 1st September.

RMT fully support Merchant Navy Day. Your union’s role in organising and campaigning for UK Ratings is essential to the future of the Merchant Navy itself and this annual celebration is a good chance to pay tribute to our merchant seafarers, past and present.

I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of members in your branch and you will be kept updated with further developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary