REMINDER: Northern & Transpennine Express franchises – Lobby of Parliament

Wednesday 08th October 2014

Circular No. National Policy NP/200/14/MC

To the Secretary all Branches,
Council of Executive members,
Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Dear Colleagues,

REMINDER: Northern & Transpennine Express franchises – Lobby of Parliament

I am writing to remind you of the important lobby of Parliament on 4th November 2014 with a poster attached to advertise the event.

There will be a demonstration outside parliament from 12:30 – 1:15 in Old Palace Yard. This will be followed by a rally in Committee Room 11 from 2:00 to 3:30 and a lobby of mps from 3.30 onwards. Participation is a legitimate use of branch expenditure.

If possible, members who are attending the event are also encouraged to lobby their mp. The union will also provide a brief to assist members when lobbying their mp.  The best way of doing this is to write to them in advance and you can use this link to assist:

If you cannot attend on the 4th but still wish to lobby your mp you are encouraged to make an appointment to meet them in the constituency which can be just as effective.  
Members are also encouraged to continue to use the facility where you can still write to your MP directly asking them to sign the Early Day Motion. Please visit to request that your MP supports our demands. Even if your MP has already signed the EDM please use this tool to show the strength of feeling about the proposals.

Thank you again for all your hard work. I will keep you informed of any developments and I hope to see you on 4th November.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash
General Secretary