RMT Briefing - Ticket Office Closures – Changes to the Schedule 17 Major Change Process

Head Office Circular No. NP/059/23


To all Branches and Regional Councils


24th March 2023


Dear Colleagues


RMT Briefing - Ticket Office Closures – Changes to the Schedule 17 Major Change Process


As you are likely aware, the 14 train companies managed by the Department for Transport have stated that it is their intention to close all ticket offices. 


The Government has also changed its guidance on how it will deal with applications under the Schedule 17 process from train companies to close ticket offices. It is important to be aware that there is no longer a 12 transactions an hour ‘busy’ threshold, which was previously used to decide whether ticket offices could be closed. 


Please find attached a briefing which summaries the changes and the implications for the schedule 17 process. 


In regards to the devolved transport authorities, please note that while we are not aware of proposals to close ticket offices at these operators, the updated guidance applies to the UK, including devolved transport authorities.


If you become aware of any plans from train companies to submit proposals for ticket office closures, please let us know as soon as possible. You can email Sophie Ward, National Policy Officer at s.ward@rmt.org.uk


Yours sincerely


Michael Lynch

General Secretary