RMT Model premature baby policy

15th January 2020
Circular No. NP/012/20
My ref: EO/6


Dear Colleague,


In the UK 60,000 babies are born prematurely each year. A premature baby is delivered before 37 weeks of pregnancy with a full term of pregnancy being calculated at 40 weeks. When a baby is born too early some aspects of their development are not complete and they may not be ready for life outside of the womb. Many of these babies therefore will need urgent neonatal care after birth and are likely to be hospitalised for a longer period than babies born at full term.

Taking this into consideration, the National Women’s Advisory Committee recommended the RMT takes a proactive step in assisting its members in dealing with the premature birth of their baby. The NEC have now approved a model premature baby policy to be included in our pay submissions which would bring parents of premature babies onto an equal footing with other new parents in terms of the amount of time off on full pay they can spend together at home as a family.

Please find a copy enclosed of the model policy for your information. Queries to our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb, on t: 020 7529 8821, j.webb@rmt.org.uk

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary