20th February 2019
My ref: EO/4
Circular No. NP/036/19
Dear Colleague,
RMT National B&EM Members’ Conference Social
The 2019 National Black and Ethnic Minority Members’ Conference will be taking place in Portsmouth from 27th to 28th March 2019.
Portsmouth Branch are kindly hosting the social event on the evening of Wednesday 27th March 2019 and donations are invited to support this. Please do send any contributions directly to the Portsmouth Branch Secretary, Bro Richard Howard, The Centre, 19 George Street, Ryde PO33 2EW or via BACS to the branch account: Sort Code 60 83 01, Acct: 33712598 (email porstmouth@rmt.org.uk).
Invitations are also sought from branches to host next year’s conference. The costs of the conference are borne by head office, but assistance is appreciated in sourcing a suitable location for the conference and social.
Should you have any queries please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb, on j.webb@rmt.org.uk or t:020 7529 8821.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary