Circular No. Ed/360/21
21st September 2021
To: All Branches & Shipping Branches, Officers, Branches, Regions and NEC
Dear Colleagues
To complement the education programme delivered at the BCNEC in Doncaster that is set out in the associated calendar courses will also be delivered ONLINE via zoom. The courses will be planned on a quarter-by-quarter basis throughout 2022. The courses available online will be added to the general programme and available to be booked online and by postal applications.
To book an online course go to -
Log on or Register, click on emembership, top right, this brings up a list on the left, right at the bottom is RMT Training Courses, click and this brings up all available courses in date order.
A further circular will be issued with regards to regional courses in 2022.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
RMT General Secretary