RMT Political School (Oct 2017) - Nominations invited

To: All Branches, Regional Councils and Regional Organisers

12 April 2017
Circular No. NP/059/17
Dear Colleagues


Please nominate by Friday 30 June

Attendance on the Political School is intended to equip participants with a sound understanding of the political role of trade unions, the RMT’s political activity and our international work. Students on the course will consider how Branches and Regions can most effectively support national campaigns and develop local campaigning initiatives.

The Political School takes place mostly at the RMT National Education Centre at Doncaster, but also includes a trip to the UK Parliament at Westminster, with students overnighting in Central London. The course is delivered by the union’s Political Officer, with the assistance of guest speakers, as well as MPs from our parliamentary group.

This residential school takes place twice a year, with the next one scheduled to run between Sunday 22 October and Friday 27 October 2017. Participants will be expected to arrive by the early evening of 22 October in Doncaster to meet fellow students at an evening buffet. The course will conclude in London on the morning of 27 October.

Branches are invited to now nominate one representative to attend the school. In doing so, please ensure that your nominee will definitely be able to attend the school. In the event of applications exceeding places available, the National Executive Committee will determine the successful applicants.

With regards to what information a nominee should provide in support of an application to participate on this course, the NEC recently reached the following decision:

“This school is particularly beneficial to Branch and Regional Council Chairs, Secretaries and Officers and also members who already completed level one courses. All applications will however continue to be treated on their merits and the application form should be updated to obtain more information on the applicant’s union activity, previous courses attended, union positions held and reasons for attending the school.”

Please complete and return the attached form to nominate a representative and return by Friday 30 June to the Policy Department based in our Head Office.

Yours sincerely


Mick Cash
General Secretary