SATURDAY 17th February - Bus Rally Wiveliscombe and Dulverton - Save the 25!

Head Office Circular No: NP/043/24




12th February 2024


Dear Colleague


SATURDAY 17th February - Bus Rally Wiveliscombe and Dulverton - Save the 25!


RMT is supporting a campaign by Somerset Bus Partnership to oppose cuts to a number of services in the area operated by First South-West. 

Following the successful demo in Yeovil last weekend, at which the RMT was represented, Somerset Bus Partnership have now organised a rally for this Saturday 17thFebruary to oppose the significant service reductions on the 25 bus route. 


The rally is taking place in Wiveliscombe Town Square at 11am. Somerset Bus Partnership are encouraging people attending the rally to arrive on 9.55 bus from Taunton which stops at Norton, Cotford, Hillcommon and Milverton and arrives in Wiveliscombe at 10.43. They then plan to take the 1.12 to Dulverton. 


Cuts to local bus services can be devasting for local communities and companies like First South West should be putting passengers before profits. 


We are asking our members in the area to support this demo. More details are available from Somerset Bus Partnership and anyone planning to join on the bus routes can email Dave Northey from the Partnership at


Yours sincerely



Michael Lynch
General Secretary